Find Your Intuition, Connect To Your Most Aligned Self, and Know That You’re Doing Life


A Whole New You with This Retreat


Experience an energetic reset, a mental reset, and a visionary reset — you will come out of this retreat feeling like a whole new you. 

With clarity, vision, and purpose.

And an unshakable connection with your own intuition and Angelic strength.

This retreat is going to set the foundation for not just your next year, but you next ten years! And hopefully for your entire life!


‣ Experience a complete reset with this deeply nourishing 3-day check-in with yourself and Spirit.

‣ Break free from self-doubt.

‣ Know, with soul-deep certainty, that you’re living this life right.

Introducing the Angel
Reset Retreat

If you’re like me, you probably find yourself wondering “Am I doing enough? Am I giving enough? Am I enough?” nearly every day. Or multiple times a day. 

And many of us try to do more and give more, only to strain ourselves carrying burden of everyone else’s needs. As if that weren’t enough, we’re also constantly working on ourselves — with meditation, affirmations, taking courses, listening to personal development podcasts while getting more ‘steps’ in. It’s exhausting. And, it leaves us very little time to find the answers to the Big Life Questions, or find the stillness we need to listen to our intuition.

I designed this retreat to help you make space, time, and stillness to find clarity on what truly gives your life meaning. Together, we’ll learn how to connect with your angels on a whole new level so you can tap into their strength and wisdom, and give yourself some peace.

You will find what you need in this retreat if any of these are true:

‣ You’re experiencing Big Life Changes and have no clue where to go next in your life and you crave clarity and direction
‣ You’re living a great life already and are curious about what to focus on next
‣ You’re on your path now, working toward your dreams, but you’d love a check in with your angels and a chance to fine-tune your intuition
‣ You want to make intuition and angelic connection part of your daily practice (if you don’t already!)

Hello Beautiful Soul!

Consider This Your Starting Point To Clear The              
Of The Past and Usher In An Energetic Reset For Your Life. 


Over the course of three days this October, we will come together to focus on:

What Will We Be Working
On Inside This


‣ Define your personal spiritual practice with daily rituals that support who you want to become.
‣ Practice tapping into your own intuition, and being able to tell the difference between intuition and anxiety or wishful thinking.
‣ Capture the wisdom and clarity you’ll gain in these precious moments of uninterrupted, undemanding time through journaling.
‣ Break patterns based on the 9 different fear crutches most people use, so you stop avoiding your intuition and can fully step into your unique soul path.

‣ Experience angelic readings in our large group
‣ Take part in vibrant small group shares
‣ Bonus: 1:1 readings will be available for purchase with my team of healers during breaks (first-come, first-serve)

For this retreat, we’ll be working specifically with:
‣ Archangel Michael, who helps us release fear and step into our power, our true soul self.
‣ The Seraphim. We’ll dive into the 12 angels of the Seraphim, and how you can work with each one to build a life around your authentic self and your unique path. The Seraphim are our biggest supporters when we set out to build a life that is our own artistic creation. 

The Seraphim want you to know that they are already working with every person who is going to come to this retreat. If you feel a whisper in your soul to join me in October — that’s them. Come to the retreat to receive the special message they have for YOU!

‣ Inner Work

‣ Outer Work

‣ Angel Work

Location: Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center

When I saw the glorious windows with views of rolling green hills dotted with trees and ponds, I thought: This is the place. The Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort sits on an 18-hole golf course (I highly recommend doing your journaling from the foyer overlooking this serene landscape), and has indoor and outdoor pools, a huge gym, and dining options. It’s also just 3 miles from Oakbrook Mall (which has some of the best food and shopping in Chicagoland).

Where We'll Stay For The Angel            Retreat


I’m Julie Jancius,
The Angel Medium

Your Guide

I often used to wonder if I was living up to my fullest potential — was I living life right? Was I doing enough? Could I be doing life better? I looked for answers through therapy, wellness, and health — but spirituality was the only place that provided firm, concrete answers to those questions. 

Through working with the angels, I realized that I am living my life the best I can — in every moment. I am doing what I came here to do. In every moment. And that released the weight of my anxiety, self-doubt, and the pressure I put on myself so much! 

When you release that pressure, life can become a completely different experience. It becomes your own creation of Heaven on Earth. Not that you won’t ever have challenges, but that you will know, without a doubt, that there is no other way you could be doing it better. 

Then you can relax and love every minute. You experience the full joy of being alive because you’ve found true, lasting peace within.

Consider this retreat a sanctuary where you can set down self-doubt, anxiety and fear and find serenity in your existence, embracing life as your own unique masterpiece. 

With the angelic insights and energetic shifts you’ll experience here, this retreat won’t just be an event — it could be a turning point in your life.

I would love for you to be part of this extraordinary event.

Here Are All The Important

Join us on October 4th, 5th, 6th 2024 at the Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center!

The In-Person Angel Reset Retreat gives you access to a 3 Day In-Person Angel Reset Retreat. As a bonus, My team of healers will be at the conference and available for you to book in-person readings during our breaks. Signup sheets will be available for first-come, first-serve!

Interested in upgrading to a VIP Ticket?

Want two continental breakfasts with me, Julie, plus SIX bonus group meetings to concentrate on your specific goals? Then select the VIP Option!

With your VIP Ticket you’ll get a chance to:
‣ Attend 6 bonus group meetings — two before our retreat, two special VIP continental breakfasts during the retreat, and two meetings after the retreat.
‣ Focus on your specific goals in a small group setting.
‣ Get to know other VIPs and form a core group before the retreat even starts! You’ll come in already having kindred spirits to hang out with. 

The regular and VIP price covers tuition ONLY, which means the following are not included:

‣ Rooms / hotel (once you sign up, I’ll send an email with booking instructions for our special group rate)
‣ Airfare/travel
‣ Food (except the two VIP Continental Breakfasts)



The           Reset Retreat
Info & Pricing


8-Week ARS

8-Week ARS

The In-Person Angel Reset Retreat VIP gives you access to:
  • Everything inside the In-Person Angel Reset Retreat above PLUS...
  • Attend 6 bonus group meetings — two before our retreat, two special VIP breakfasts during the retreat, and two meetings after the retreat.
  • Focus on your specific goals in a small group setting.
  • Get to know other VIPs and form a core group before the retreat even starts! You’ll come in already having kindred spirits to hang out with.

The price covers the retreat ONLY, which means the following are not included:
  • Rooms / hotel (once you sign up, I’ll send an email with booking instructions for our special group rate)
  • Airfare/travel
  • Food (except the two VIP Continental Breakfasts)

retreat cost: $2,244

The In-Person Angel Reset Retreat gives you access to:
  • 3 Day In-Person Angel Reset Retreat on October 4th, 5th, 6th 2024 in OakBrook, Illinois
  • BONUS: My team of healers will be at the conference and available for you to book in-person readings during our breaks. Signup sheets will be available for first-come, first-serve!

The price covers the retreat ONLY, which means the following are not included:
  • Rooms / hotel (once you sign up, I’ll send an email with booking instructions for our special group rate)
  • Airfare/travel
  • Food

In-Person Retreat


Interested in a payment plan? Click here to use Afterpay ONLY!

retreat cost: $1,333

Interested in a payment plan? Click here to use Afterpay ONLY!

Angel Member get an extra $200 off. Become a member today to receive your bonus discount, or if you’re already a member, check your email for your special discount code. Must use your membership discount code at time of retreat purchase.

Our goal for Friday is to connect with other group members, make friends, and come home to yourself. We’ll all meet after dinner at 6pm and start with a group message from your angels and loved ones to help you center your experience for the weekend. 

We’ll engage in exercises to get in touch with your intuition and connect with the angels. 

We’ll end the evening with angel-guided healing visualizations to help you open up and get the most out of the weekend’s experiences.

Angel Rest Retreat Daily


‣ Day 1 - Friday: Intuitive connection, group angel message, evening kickoff event

If you’re a VIP, join me for breakfast at 8am!

For everyone else: We’ll meet from 9am to 4pm, for a full day of classes.

In the morning, we will have an intuitive exercise on Longing. What do you deeply long for, and can that be a reliable guide to move forward? You’ll learn about the Seraphim and how to connect with them to embrace your longing, understand it, and use it to point you in the right direction. When you’re present, deeply connected to the right emotion within, it can unlock deep angelic insights into your own future!

In the afternoon, we’ll do an intuitive exercise on fear. What is holding you back? Are you confusing fear with Intuition? How can you cultivate faith and strength to move past fear? We’ll be working closely with Archangel Michael on this one to help you break the fear cycle within yourself.

From 4-7pm we’ll have a break for you to integrate, journal, and have dinner. Then we’ll meet again at 7pm for our Saturday Evening Live Readings from 7-9pm.

‣ Day 2 - Saturday: Full day of classes, with evening live audience readings

If you’re a VIP, join me for breakfast at 8am!

This half-day of classes is from 9am to 12pm. We’ll spend the morning on an intuitive exercise on Activating Abundance: How to use the energy of  Will itself as a motor to propel you forward. 

‣ Day 3 - Sunday: Morning classes on activating abundance, closing at noon

Remember, what’s meant for you won’t pass you by. Dive deep into your spiritual practice, meet your angels, and align with your true destiny.

This retreat isn’t just a break from life; it’s the start of a new way of living.

You’ll love this retreat if:

‣ You’re seeking clarity and direction in your life.

‣ You appreciate the power of spiritual guidance and angelic connections.

‣ You’re ready to transform fear into divine strength and purpose.

Is This Retreat
For Me?


frequently Asked

Saturday is a FULL day, but if you arrive early on Friday (check in is at 3pm) you’ll have time to enjoy the pool, check out the gym, or hop over to the mall. Checkout on Sunday is at 11am.

▸ How much free time will we have versus group time?

Comfortable clothing, an open heart, and a journal for your thoughts and experiences.

▸ What should I bring? 

Yes, enjoy the resort amenities and local attractions during free times.

▸ Will there be time for relaxing and exploring?

Please feel free to email us any questions you have at and we will answer them as best as we can.

▸ Have questions that was not answered?

Join us and transform your life with the serenity and strength that comes from truly understanding and embracing your spiritual journey.

If you resonate with me, you likely often ponder, "Am I accomplishing enough? Am I offering enough? Am I sufficient?"

This internal questioning may occur daily, even multiple times throughout the day. Many of us strive to exceed expectations and fulfill others' needs, often at the expense of our own well-being.

Amidst this striving, we continuously engage in self-improvement practices—meditation, affirmations, courses—yet find ourselves depleted and lacking the quietude necessary to heed our intuition and contemplate life's profound inquiries. It's a draining cycle, leaving little space for introspection and inner peace.

Register For The Angel Reset Retreat Today!

register TODAY!

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