Angel Reiki
Mediumship School:
Develop All Your Unique Spiritual Gifts At The Same 


I’m Julie Jancius,
Founder of Angel Reiki Mediumship 

Hi There

Picture yourself with 111% confidence. Never worried about which way to go in life because you’ve activated your intuition fully, you are in constant dialogue with your angels and they give you a clarity unlike any time before. If your heartfelt desire is to serve others, see yourself so gifted in mediumship, angel messages and energy healing that you can read a person in an instant and bring through messages that bring them total peace, ease and clarity. 

Picture yourself as running a thriving spiritual business, helping so many people, and it brings you so much joy it has nowhere to go but radiate out in every direction. This is your future. It all begins with the unique methods only taught in the Angel Reiki School. 

Peace and bliss to you,
Julie Jancius

Beautiful Soul!

Hi There

Picture yourself with 111% confidence. Never worried about which way to go in life because you’ve activated your intuition fully, you are in constant dialogue with your angels and they give you a clarity unlike any time before. If your heartfelt desire is to serve others, see yourself so gifted in mediumship, angel messages and energy healing that you can read a person in an instant and bring through messages that bring them total peace, ease and clarity. 

Picture yourself as running a thriving spiritual business, helping so many people, and it brings you so much joy it has nowhere to go but radiate out in every direction. This is your future. It all begins with the unique methods only taught in the Angel Reiki School. 

Peace and bliss to you,
Julie Jancius

The Angel Reiki Mediumship School (ARMS) is a world-renowned certification program that transforms you into a healer, distinguished by your refined skills and ready to lead in the spiritual community.

It should’ve been called the Angel Reiki Mediumship School because you learn so much more than just Reiki! The ARMS is your one-stop program to become a medium, angel messenger, and energy healer all at once. 

Instead of having to go through multiple programs, you’ll develop all of these skills simultaneously in the ARS, saving you time and money. You can attend the 8-week ARMS online, in-person November 8-10, 2024 in OakBrook, IL (details below), or both. 

Ready to unlock all your spiritual gifts? Ready for an unparalleled spiritual development experience? Everything you need to succeed is in the ARS! 

Most ARMS classes sell out because we have a 100% graduation rate; limited enrollment guarantees personalized attention; and with Julie as your mentor, her exclusive methods promise to unlock your potential, making you a skilled medium, messenger, and healer.

Are You Ready To Develop All Of Your               Gifts Simultaneously?

Are You Ready To Develop All Of Your                    Gifts Simultaneously?


Every week, I hear from a podcast listener who says Julie, “My angels were telling me to take your Angel Reiki Mediumship School, but I went with a local reiki program and I regret it. I knew I should’ve taken your Angel Reiki School from the start . . . what do I do?” 

I need you to know that traditional Reiki and my Angel Reiki Mediumship School are completely different. The Angel Reiki Mediumship School is not a silent Reiki practice. My ARMS is a unique form of healing that combines mediumship, angel messages and energy healing. 

Why? Because when you get traditional Reiki, you leave feeling good for a few hours or days. However, you’re reliant on the Reiki practitioner and you must keep going back in order to keep feeling good. 

This is not what the angels want. 

My Angel Reiki Mediumship School teaches you how to bring through messages in a way that can permanently remove heavy energies from another person’s energy field. My program teaches you how to be a teacher, so that you can show others how to develop their own intuition – and this is what is going to change the world. I’m going to teach you how to empower others to live their best life!

Reiki And Angel Reiki 
Are Completely


Want to chat with Julie before registering? Sign up for a discovery call! Every participant receives a free gift on their first call only. 

Remember, spots are limited and most classes sell out. To secure your place and choose your start month, we suggest registering early.

book a discovery call

Book A Discovery Call With Julie & Receive A Special Gift

With every fiber of my being I know this to be true: We are all here to serve others and we all need one another. I couldn’t have fulfilled my purpose if my teachers hadn’t listened to the callings of their hearts. And your future students cannot fulfill their purpose if you do not listen to the callings of your heart.

If Spirit is calling you to the Angel Reiki Mediumship School (ARMS), it’s on purpose. You might be scared and not know precisely where Spirit is taking you, but one thing is for sure: Spirit has plans for you that you cannot yet even fathom!

50% of ARMS students say they enroll simply to develop all of their unique God-given spiritual gifts and integrate them into their current career. While the other 50% say they feel called to build a spiritual business and serve others. All of them say that once they got into the Angel Reiki Mediumship School, their life’s purpose became clearer. 

You don’t need any prior experience, simply a desire to learn and a heart-felt intention to help others transform spiritually. We’ve helped over 500 graduates build businesses of their own or seamlessly integrate their spiritual talents into their current profession. 

Spirit Is Calling You To A Higher


99% of students starting the Angel Reiki Mediumship School all say the same two things: 1.) Julie, what if I’m not gifted? What if others are gifted but I’m not? 2.) I don’t know exactly why Spirit is calling me to the ARMS but I know for sure they are calling me to the ARMS specifically. 

And 99% of our graduates say they were scared to join the ARMS and it took a lot of courage to do so, but they’re so glad they did because once they got into the program they found they’re not only highly gifted, but that Spirit showed them what they’d end up doing with those gifts. 

The angels always say, “You don’t know, what you don’t know because it’s impossible to.” That’s why we need one another. If you’re being called to the Angel Reiki Mediumship School, it’s because you need the information inside of it. Info that can only be found in the ARMS using Julie’s methods. 

Julie works with every person who comes through the Angel Reiki Mediumship School to ensure they graduate. Again, we have a 100% graduation rate – and that’s going to be you too!

But Julie, What If I Don’t Have Any Gifts?

You Cannot Learn Julie’s ARMS 
Anywhere Else

The heart of the Angel Reiki Mediumship School lies in Julie’s signature method and the transformational results seen in our students. This isn't just any class—it's a one-of-a-kind certification experience where Julie teaches you how to combine healing energy, messages from angels, and connecting with Spirit in a way that no one else does. 

Julie has spent years creating, testing and perfecting methods that you’ll only find in the ARMS. You cannot learn them from the podcast, her social media platforms, membership, or anywhere else. The ARMS is the only place where this information is taught.

Julie’s signature method, meticulously designed to unlock your full potential and transform you into a healer, is rooted in a holistic approach that nurtures your inherent gifts while emphasizing the ethical responsibilities of such powerful knowledge.

Here, you’re not just another student; you’re a valued member of a close-knit community where your growth and success are our top priority. This is your chance to transform not just your spiritual practice, but your life and career, with tools and insights that are tailored just for you.

If you have additional gifts that emerge, such as past life healing, seeing color, animal communication, etc., Julie will teach you how to seamlessly integrate these into your own personal healing method. 

What sets the Angel Reiki Mediumship School apart is this: It isn’t just a teaching; it's a legacy, passed down to those select few ready to embrace their calling under Julie’s direct mentorship. This exclusivity ensures that as a graduate, you’ll stand apart in your healing practice, able to do things most healers can't because you learned directly from Julie, using methods only she can teach.

This is your invitation to be part of a transformational group of healers who are reshaping the landscape of the spiritual community through Julie’s unparalleled methods. If you want to make a real difference and gain skills that set you apart, this is where you need to be. It's your chance to be one of the few who know how to heal in this special way.



The           Reiki
Mediumship  School
Online Tuition

The           Reiki School Online


8-Week ARS

8-Week ARS


The 1-Year ARS program gives you access to:
  • Everything inside the 8-Week ARS program above PLUS...
  • Become a Certified Spiritual Coach
  • One year access to the Angel Membership*
  • Twice monthly group Mentoring Meetings with Julie.

Tuition cost: $12,500

The           Reiki Mediumship School




8-Week ARS

The In-Person ARS program gives you access to: 
  • Everything inside the 8-Week ARS program above PLUS...
  • 3 Day in-person Angel Reiki School Retreat on November 8th, 9th and 10th, 2024 in OakBrook, Illinois
  • VIP includes bonus meetings and dinner with Julie included in your VIP tuition cost
  • Travel, food and accommodations are not included (unless VIP dinner with Julie)

The 8-Week ARS program gives you access to:
  • Learn the skills of mediumship, angel messages and energy healing. 
  • Develop your unique God-given gifts.
  • Learn how to access pass life information; energy clearing and activation techniques.
  • Earn your certifications in Angelic Mediumship and your Angel Reiki Master Teacher Certification.
  • Four online group meetings to ask Julie in depth questions and get instant feedback.
  • Access to 20+ hours of progressive video teachings and resources in your account.
  • The complete formula I used to build a successful 6-figure healing business.
  • 3 Attunements: Levels 1, 2 and 3.

tuition Cost: $3,333 

In-Person ARMS

8-Week ARMS

1-Year ARMS

tuition cost: $3,999 

The           Reiki Mediumship  School



Can Previous Online ARS Students Attend In Person? Of course! We have a limited number of seats for previous ARS online students to join and a special rate for you. Please email so we can confirm and send you the link to purchase. 


Interested in a payment plan? Click here!

Tuition cost: $2,499

Interested in a payment plan? Click here to use Afterpay ONLY!

Interested in a payment plan? Click here to use Afterpay ONLY!

This cost only applies if paid in full




Use Code

At Checkout


Use Code

At Checkout


You’ll ALWAYS be able to take the Angel Reiki Mediumship School online, but . . . if you’d like to attend in person, you now have a one-time opportunity to!

The Online ARMS is an 8-week program that gives you access to over 20 hours of teachings by Julie specifically designed to help you develop all of your unique spiritual gifts. Your class will meet with Julie on Saturday mornings twice a month to ask questions, and/or experience-share and get feedback.

If you’d like to attend online, that’s wonderful! A new class of the Angel Reiki Mediumship School begins online on the 1st of each month, but you get access to begin viewing course content as soon as you register! Those attending online get access to four group meetings where Julie will coach you and tailor teachings to your unique gifts. 

Attend The            Reiki Mediumship School Online, In-Person, or Both


1-Year ARMS
Program: Earn Your Spiritual Coaching Certification Too!
Anywhere Else

Over the years students have enjoyed the ARMS so much that many often say, “I don’t want to leave. Julie, I wish I could continue working with you. I love our Saturday calls and I just want to keep learning!” 

I always feel the same! I love getting to know you and helping guide you on your own individual path. So I created a year-long Angel Reiki Mediumship School & Spiritual Coaching hybrid program that allows me to mentor students for a whole year. 

Those who stay with me for the year get an additional certification of Spiritual Coach which goes beyond mediumship and angel messages; and teaches you how to coach your clients on the twelve most common spiritual topics from Oneness, to the Inner Child, to Finding Their Purpose, to Hearing Their Own Intuition and Deepening Their Connection With Their Loved Ones in Heaven and so much more! 

I’ve also added into the year long program dozens of teachings on: How to write a book; how to start a podcast; how to grow your aligned clientele; how to start your first course and more. For a full list, please ask Julie during your discovery call. 

Each week, I show you how to build a new sector of your clientele. If I’m asking you to make a call, send an email or post on social – I’ve already written out a script, email or social media post, and all you have to do is copy and paste. This is going to help you to build up a robust clientele more quickly. 

As a part of the year long program, I wanted to make it easy for you to start your business and so I give you a year’s worth of blast emails and social media content you can easily customize to reach your clients. 

If you’d like me to be your coach for a full year, please ask me about the hybrid program! AND ask me how you can get the whole year of the Angel Membership free too when you pay for the year in full. Again, space is limited and we want to make sure you’re a good fit for the program. Therefore, you must attend a discovery call with Julie before registering for the year-long Extended ARS program. 



We’re excited to announce that Julie is hosting the ARS in-person November 8th - 10th, 2024 in OakBrook, Illinois!

We have a limited number of seats and hotel rooms available for this in-person ARMS that are available first-come, first served. We must confirm you’ve purchased the ARMS before you can book a hotel room in our block.

When you attend in person, you get access to immediate feedback from Julie and access to all correlating pre-recorded teaching materials in your online student portal. Those attending in-person get access to online teachings as soon as they register! Meaning you can begin learning today!

Want to upgrade your in-person experience by having dinner with Julie and access to three LIVE bonus events? Upgrade to be a VIP In-Person! Remember, your purchase ONLY covers your tuition. You must purchase your own travel, food, hotel and accommodations.

Angel Reiki
Mediumship School
In-Person with           

Oak Brook, Illinois

November 8th - 10th , 2024


Our In-Person ARMS on Nov. 8-10, 2024 is at the beautiful Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort & Conference Center (3500 Midwest Road), located on a serene golf course only ten minutes from Oak Brook mall. The resort is a 20 minute drive from O’Hare Airport and Midway Airports (without traffic). To purchase your own hotel room call (630) 850-5555 or use the link below. Rooms are limited.

Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort & Conference Center

We have a limited number of in-personal ARMS seats and hotel rooms available. In-person seats and rooms are first come, first served. Please use the link above to purchase your own hotel room. Rooms are available first come, first serve, so book now before we sell out!


The Angel Reiki Mediumship School Is For            , If . . . 

Our school is tailored for empathic individuals, aspiring healers, and spiritual seekers who are ready to embark on a transformative journey to not only discover their innate abilities but also to learn how to use these gifts to make a positive impact on the world around them.

The ARS will help you find your purpose and figure out how to live it out loud. It’s for people from all walks of life who know deep down they have more to offer and are searching for the right way to share it. 

Whether you're looking to start a new career in spiritual healing, enhance your existing practice, or simply wish to deepen your personal growth, the Angel Reiki School offers the tools, community, and guidance to help you achieve your goals.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey that will not only change your life but also enable you to change the lives of others, welcome to the Angel Reiki School. Here, we make miracles an everyday occurrence and turn passion into purpose. This is where your spiritual journey accelerates, grounded in community, guided by expertise, and fueled by a shared vision of healing the world, one soul at a time.



The Angel Reiki School Mediumship
 Is For            , If. . . 

Doing this work is about serving, AND it also costs a great deal to get spirits messages into the world. It can easily cost $20,000 a year to run a podcast; $15,000-$100,000 to get a book out properly; and millions in backing to fund a TV show. I’m on a mission to bring as much hope into this world as possible through donations and funding projects that are going to help humanity hope again. 

And if you’re here, I know the angels are calling you to a similar mission! That’s why part of the Angel Reiki School is providing you with online content that shows you how to build a successful, sustainable business of your own. 

When you join the ARS, I will give you the blueprint to build a six-figure business within the first eighteen months. It’s the same blueprint I used to start my own business. I’ll tell you right now, the angels will absolutely work miracles and at the same time it is work. If you’re willing to put in the work and you have service-focused intentions – I can show you how to become an unstoppable force for good in this world. 

Are you ready to turn your gifts into a thriving business? If you want to be successful, get the blueprint from someone who’s reached the goals you desire to. 

You want a teacher who’s achieved what you believe is possible for yourself. Why? Because they know how to get there. They’ve done it for themselves. A teacher who has not achieved the goals you wish to, cannot show you the way. I’ve given over 7,000 readings, graduated over 500 people through the ARS, built a top #5 spiritual podcast worldwide that was turned into a radio show and downloaded by over 150,000 people per week, and built an almost seven-figure business.
My ARS students and I are a collective network of healers that are working together with a goal of reaching 1 billion people in our lifetime. Will you join us in spreading hope and love around the world?

Do You Want The Blueprint To Build A Six-to-Seven Figure Business?

At the Angel Reiki Mediumship School, we pride ourselves on a 100% graduation rate and the remarkable achievements of our over 500 graduates, who consistently astound us by leveraging their learnings into incredible ventures like writing books, launching podcasts, creating YouTube channels and more. 

Our unique, supportive environment fosters not only the development of profound spiritual gifts but also the practical aspects of building a successful six-figure business—a testament to our comprehensive approach to spiritual education. 

Unlike basic local Reiki certification, which often leaves students seeking more, the Angel Reiki Mediumship School offers an all-encompassing program that covers everything from honing your unique spiritual abilities to effectively communicating angelic messages. 

In celebration of our students' success, we've introduced a friendly competition with enticing rewards, including the chance to share your success story on our podcast and receive a free reading. With no prior training required to enroll, we aim to make this transformative experience accessible to as many aspiring healers as possible, providing value that far exceeds the cost and truly making a difference in the world.

In addition to the many businesses founded and inspired by the ARS, here’s what some of our graduates are up to:

We Have A 100% Graduation Rate! 

In addition to the many businesses founded and inspired by the ARS, here’s what some of our graduates are up to:

Our Students Are Doing Incredible Things


And it all began in the Angel Reiki School . . . From which Spirit is able to show each student their own unique path!

The ARMS Can Double Your Earnings, It’s A Tax Write Off For Most, And You May Earn Your Tuition Back In Just 11

Because ARMS graduates are skilled in mediumship, angel messages and Reiki (not just Reiki alone), you’re going to come out of the ARS able to charge almost double what a Reiki session costs in most areas. With the skills of mediumship and angel messages that you learn in the ARS, you could earn $70,000+ more per year than a Reiki Masters. That’s $700,000 more over a decade with the added skills of bringing through messages and Julie’s unique method.

Did you know that if you have a business or start one in the same calendar year, your entire tuition is a tax write off in most US states? Please check with your accountant in your state to be sure!

Did you know that most students exiting the ARMS have the skills to charge $222 for a session? That means that you can make back your tuition fee in just 11 sessions. That’s less than one week's worth of work!

Please note: Some graduates feel more comfortable charging less at the beginning but even if you charge $111, you’ll still make back your tuition in one week's worth of work after building your clientele!

I know the ARMS is costly to most, but my ARMS graduates see the enormous value of the program and often ask why I don’t charge double for this program . . . and the reason is, I want this information to reach every soul who needs it. So I try to keep the cost as low as I can. 


The ARS Can Double Your Earnings, It’s A Tax Write Off For Most, And You May Earn Your Tuition Back In Just 11


The Angel Reiki School offers a unique assurance with the Angel's Guarantee. This is our way of committing to your spiritual growth and satisfaction within the Angel Reiki School community. If within the first 10 days of your purchase you find the program isn't what you're looking for, simply email and let us know at We'll exchange your experience to our VIP Angel Membership. This means for a full year, you'll join me in monthly small group meetings, where you’ll gain deep insights and personalized mentorship. Plus, you'll enjoy an entire year of access to our exclusive membership content. For existing annual members, we'll extend your membership by an additional 12 months. Please note, we offer this exchange in place of refunds, and it applies exclusively to our online offerings (We have a no refund policy. And there are no exchanges or refunds for the in-person ARS). 

The Angel’s 
Guarantee To You


Frequently Asked


At the Angel Reiki School (ARS), we embrace and nurture a wide spectrum of spiritual gifts, creating an inclusive environment where diverse talents are celebrated and developed. Whether your abilities lie in connecting with spirits, communicating with angels, seeing auras, engaging in pet communication, exploring past lives, or you're curious about healing with crystals, interpreting dreams, or sensing energies in spaces and objects, ARS provides tailored support and guidance. Our curriculum is designed to uncover and enhance these gifts through comprehensive lessons, interactive discussions, and hands-on practice sessions. This approach ensures that every student has the opportunity to grow their unique abilities, discover new talents, and integrate them into a cohesive spiritual practice, all within a supportive community that values exploration and personal growth.

If I Have Other Gifts, Will Those Come Out In The ARS Too?

The time commitment for the online Angel Reiki School spans an average of 6 hours per week over the course of its 8-week program. This estimate is based on feedback from our students, who find this amount of time allows them to fully engage with the coursework, participate in practice sessions, and absorb the teachings at a comfortable pace. This manageable schedule makes it possible for students to integrate their learning into their daily lives, ensuring they can dedicate themselves to their spiritual development without overwhelming their other responsibilities.

How Much Time Does It Take Each Week?

A new class of the online Angel Reiki School (ARS) starts on the first of each month. With a possible TV show starting, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to continue this. We are offering the ARS in-person one time June 1-2, 2024.

When Does The Next Class Start?

To ensure a personalized and interactive learning experience, we cap our online Angel Reiki School (ARS) class sizes at a maximum of 15 students. This approach guarantees that each student receives individual attention, fostering a closer connection with both the instructor and fellow classmates. Smaller class sizes create an intimate learning environment where questions are encouraged, and students can benefit from direct feedback and guidance, enhancing their overall educational journey within the ARS.

How Big Are The Class Sizes?

Julie is the sole instructor for all the courses within the Angel Reiki School, ensuring that students receive a consistent and deeply informed teaching experience directly from her. Additionally, a dedicated team member will check in on your progress, offering support and assistance throughout your journey. This structure guarantees that while you benefit from Julie's expert instruction, you also receive personalized attention and care from our supportive team, enhancing your learning experience in a nurturing environment.

Who Does The Teaching?

Yes, you will be equipped to teach others after completing the program. Julie advises dedicating a full year to conducting sessions or readings full time to deeply immerse yourself in the practice and refine your skills. This experience will not only bolster your confidence but also allow you to develop your own unique method. After this period of intensive practice, you'll be in a strong position to create your own program and share your knowledge by teaching others your distinct approach to the work. This approach ensures that when you do start teaching, you'll be able to offer a rich, informed, and personalized learning experience to your students.

Will I be Able To Teach Others? 

No previous experience is necessary to join the Angel Reiki School (ARS). In fact, 67-70% of students who start the ARS do so without any prior background in the subjects we cover. This statistic highlights our commitment to making spiritual development accessible to everyone, regardless of their starting point. Our program is designed to welcome and nurture students at all levels of expertise, ensuring that even those new to spiritual practices can find a supportive and enriching environment to begin their journey.

Do I need any previous experience? 

Reiki is a silent practice. When you are taught Reiki by your local practitioner, you’re not being taught the skills of mediumship or how to bring through angel messages for others. Your local practitioner will not teach you how to develop your own unique spiritual gifts, nor do they have the skills to help bring these out of you. Often your local reiki practitioner will upcharge you for every little thing and attunements making the total cost of your tuition much more – Julie doesn’t do this. The cost of Julie’s ARS includes everything you need to develop your skills in mediumship, angel messages, and energy healing. 

How is the ARS different from getting certified with my local Reiki practitioner down the street? 

Feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension about joining the Angel Reiki School (ARS) is completely natural. Embarking on a new chapter in your life, especially one that involves tapping into and embracing your own spiritual power, can indeed feel daunting. The journey to self-discovery and spiritual development often involves stepping out of your comfort zone, which can be intimidating. However, I understand these feelings deeply. The alternative to taking this step is often looking back with regret for not pursuing a path that called to you. Remember, the ARS community is here to support you through these feelings, offering a safe and nurturing space where you can explore your abilities and grow at your own pace. Taking this leap can lead to profound personal growth and fulfillment, far outweighing the initial fear of starting.

What if I’m excited but scared to join the ARS? 

About 27-33% of the students who come through the Angel Reiki School have some Reiki certification. To be clear, you do not need Reiki certification or any previous experience to join the ARS. I say this because most students find that their local Reiki training did not give them what they needed in terms of gifts, or understanding of how to build a clientele or start a business. They come to the ARS because it has everything they’ve been missing. The ARS will give you everything your past training did not, so that you’re ready to be a medium, messenger or healer. 

What If I’m Already Reiki Certified?

Absolutely, you can do this, and yes, you are indeed gifted. The notion that you might not be is simply not possible. Your intuition is the voice of your soul, while your energy is its vibration. Given that your soul is infinite, it possesses a plethora of gifts, talents, and abilities eagerly waiting to be expressed and shared. The Angel Reiki School provides the perfect environment for your soul-self to emerge vibrantly, enabling you to refine and hone these skills within your human experience. Through learning new skills such as mediumship, delivering angel messages, and practicing energy healing, you'll discover that there are no limits to what you can achieve. Success in this journey begins with two core beliefs: faith in your own capabilities and the conviction that a higher power, whether you call it God, the Universe, or Source, can work miracles through you to benefit as many people as possible on Earth. If this resonates with you, then the Angel Reiki School is exactly where you're meant to be.

Can I actually do this? Am I actually gifted? 

We have never offered scholarships or discounts to the Angel Reiki School. Many of my business coaches ask me why I don’t charge double my current prices (like many of my peers do) and the answer is simple: The angels want to get this information into the hands of as many people as they can, in order to help as many people here on Earth as possible. The 8-week ARS is a $5,000 program but I only charge $2,499 . . . and the 1-year ARS is a $20,000 program but I only charge $10,000 because my mission is to help and serve, and donate, and spread hope to a billion people though the network of healers who come through the Angel Reiki School. Your ARS tuition funds the podcast, publishing books and spreading hope to millions each year. We are not a non profit (yet) but every dollar possible goes back to that mission.

Do you offer discounts or scholarships?

Friend, God helps those who help themselves. Meaning that the callings of our hearts are nothing, if we don’t take action on them. When I began investing in myself and my business, God used it to create exponential growth and a movement that’s reached over a million people. And with a new TV show possible, we may be bring hope to tens-of-millions. 

Let me help you develop all of your unique gifts and reach your personal goals! Let me teach you how to allow abundance in health, wealth and happiness to flow into every area of your life, and your clients lives as well. Let me teach you the step-by-step plan I used so that you can implement it! Follow the calling of your heart, step into your power and register for the Angel Reiki School today. Register today!

Register For The Angel Reiki School Today!

register TODAY!

Book Your Spot

When you register we have listed all of our policies, procedures and disclaimers (they’re also on the website), but I like to be transparent everywhere: All purchases are final. All purchases are non refundable. Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. Exceptional results require exceptional hard work on your behalf. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running an online business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services. In addition, any sessions you perform, you are legally responsible for and you are only ever allowed to bring through positive loving messages. We will not be held responsible for the messages you give and we will not be held responsible for the business you create. 

Disclaimer and Earnings Disclaimer