Oneness Course:
Raise Your Vibration

Oneness is the foundation to all spiritual healing and work. It's the foundation to connecting with your intuition, angels and loved ones on the Other Side. Many of my students report this one class helped them connect the dots they'd been missing for years before!

Included in the Angel Membership
or purchase separately

"I have been working with Julie for two years and I can tell you she is spot on. Julie taught me how to hold high vibration and it has shifted everything in my life because now I'm the tuning fork (the driver of my reality). It has shifted my marriage, my relationship with my kids, my relationship with coworkers and friends. I can truly say that I am living the life I've always wanted to live and that started by me taking ownership of the vibration I hold (or allow) within my body." Sarah L.

What is Oneness? Your soul is one droplet in the ocean that is God / Universe / Source. But what is that one droplet? What is your soul? Your soul is energy and thought. The energy of your soul is the same vibration as God. As you were raised, you were taught to feel from the physical body and the vibrations of Earth. You were taught to have fear, anxieties, sadness. These lower vibrational frequencies only exist here on Earth, bc Earth is a place of duality. There is no duality on the Other Side. There is no duality within God. God is love, joy, peace, bliss, ease and grace . . . and these too are the vibrations of your soul. Learning to hold Oneness is learning to hold the vibration of your soul (God frequency) and live more from love, joy, peace, bliss, ease and grace. 

This e-course is for both those who are new to holding a high vibration (we'll teach you everything from A-Z) and for those who typically do hold a high vibe, but are having trouble doing so in a challenging point in their lives.

Oneness: Raise Your Vibration eCourse

Cost: $250

This course is included with the Angel Membership $111/month or $1,200 a year, or you can purchase separately here. All content is now on Thinkific and there is no access to Facebook. All sales final.

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Live in Peace, Joy, Ease

What are the Benefits?

When you hold a high vibration you become a tuning fork that tunes all around you!

Friends, 2020 has been a whirlwind for all of us. The energy has been heavy and thick, and every person I know has had at least one moment where they felt like they were going crazy. You're here to shift the energy . . . your energy and the energy of the world. Doing this will not only help you in 2020, but it can give you tools, resources and friends for a lifetime. When you learn to hold a high vibe, you become a tuning fork that shifts you and everything around you. You learn how to navigate this life of duality. You raise the vibration of the world to a state of more peace. 

the podcast

Angels And Awakening





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How I Heard My Dad From Heaven

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A Holistic View of Joy with Sensei Alex Kakuyo

Discover how to connect with your Angels, Guides and Loved Ones on the Other Side. #10 Podcast in the iTunes Spirituality category. 

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